
Day 7 Redondela to Pontevedra (19.7 km) Sept 9th

Our latest start today 10:15, a little too late for the temperatures we have been experiencing! George's blisters have stopped getting worse and maybe actually getting a little better. Lengthening his stride a few days ago seems to have helped. Linda blisters are staying the same and everyone manages to maintain a remarkable pace as we all manage to regroup within a few minutes of stopping and we all arrive at our destination within minutes of one another.

Heading out of Redondela in the morning.

Beautiful shaded walking paths.

Two big hills today, this was the view from near the summit of the second one, an inlet of the Atlantic in the distance.

Two ladies from Norway, who we usually cross paths with every day.

On the other side of this bridge that we could not resist stopping at the small cafe/bar, if for nothing else than just to enjoy the view.

Phil and Cheryl


We sat and ordered coffee and a bite to eat, and then they started to bring out tapas for us. When we tried to pay for them they insisted there was no charge, and looking around all the tables had complimentary tapas. They are just such friendly people over here!

Some of the group of six Puerto Rican girls whose paths we have crossed both on the trail and at two different hotels. The first time we encountered them they had missed their hotel and had been walking for 12 hours instead of the planned 7! They had greatly overshot their mark and were far beyond where they should be. Warren went out with hotel manager and helped rescue them at 10 o'clock at night.

The pilgrims regroup before entering the next town.


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